Võsu Surfschool is on Võsu beach, located between Võsu harbour and baywatch building. We offer surfing experience for everyone! Our main activity is kitesurfing and paddleboarding courses and rental. 

Jaanioja Handicraft Farm

Jaanioja Farm features camping grounds, an outdoor kitchen, sauna and smithy. The farm organises creative camps, fairy tale games, celebrations of folk calendar holidays and handicraft workshops.

käsmu viking ship aimar

The Käsmu Viking ship was finished in the summer of 2010 at Käsmu Maritime Museum. We will take our guests on a sea voyage. The ship has room for up to 14 people, including one or two crew members.

treasure hunt in käsmu

Palmse Manor smithy

ice cellar sauna

Bike rental at sagadi manor

vihula mini-golf

The 18 holes at Vihula Mini-Golf, the biggest course of its kind in the Baltic States at 1880 m2, not only meet all international standards but are a completely new, educational and entertaining. 

Vihula holiday village

Garden of Helle Väärsi

medicinal plant gardens

Medicinal Plant Gardens in Karepa offer visitors a chance to find out about plants that are used in cooking and medicine as well as a range of interesting vegetables.

Adami smoke sauna

arma riding farm

Everyone who is interested in horses is welcome at the Arma Riding Farm. Families can stay overnight, take carriage rides, hike on nature trails, or organize wonderful family events outdoors.

oandu beaver trail

Located in Oandu, this 1 km long ‘beaver trail’ takes around half an hour to complete. This trail is a great place to visit in Lahemaa National Park for those seeking a break from a long journey.

oandu-võsu hiking trail

The Oandu-Võsu hiking trail is 9.5 km long. It begins at the Oandu camping area and continues through to the Võsu camping area. You will see a diverse range of landscapes and forest communities. 


The Ojakivi trail near Võsu leads to Ojakivi, the 3rd biggest boulder in Lahemaa and the 14th in Estonia. The trail is 2,5 km long, up to the stone and the same way back. 

Võsu-Nõmmeveski trail

Võsu-Nõmmeveski hiking trail is 18 kilometres long and situated in the expansive Lahemaa. The trail takes off at the Võsu camping area and continues through to Nõmmeveski known for its canyon.

käsmu hiking & cycling trail

Käsmu nature & cultural history trail

Altja nature & cultural trail

Altja nature and cultural trail is located in Lahemaa and is 3 km long. The trail passes through the fishing village and the surrounding environment, from its stony beaches to the Altja River.



Give yourself and your friends one memorable event and have an adventure in beautiful places of Lahemaa National Park. Hiking distances are suitable for both children and adults.

Bogshoeing in Lahemaa

The best way to get around in Estonia’s bogs is bogshoeing. Bogshoes are like snowshoes – except you wear them in bogs when there is no snow. Anyone who is capable of an ordinary hike can give it a go!

Snowshoe hike in Viru bog

Viru bog is a mixture of incredibly diverse landscapes, bog pools, strips, and hollows. During the journey, we will cross the bog islands and take a look at the regenerating peatlands.